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17 Berkshire

If you've ever moved, you know how hard it is to lose your "spot." In Albuquerque, when I needed a mental health break I would go to my favorite coffee shop, Deep Space, and read a book. It was my little nook, and I always loved how the staff would just let me sip on a cappuccino for hours. They were always warm and friendly. I think we all need a getaway spot for some comfort food and a good break.

After editing and delivering a wedding album my mind was exhausted and I was tired of looking at wedding photos. It was a rainy day, the perfect weather for exploring in Memphis! At the top of my list was to find a new "spot" so I headed to my favorite little area, Overton Square.

Overton Square is a block filled with performing arts theaters, boutique shops, bars, and local restaurants. It's the perfect spot in Midtown for a good stroll and a bite to eat. I had looked up what was in the area and I came across a bakery named 17 Berkshire. Their Instagram account @17berkshire boasted beautiful macarons of every color, and an exclusive daily menu. My eyes glazed over when I saw the words "Pumpkin Spice" and my feet propelled me forward.

When I walked through the doors, I wasn't in Memphis anymore. The shop has clean white walls, marble cafe tables with fresh flowers, and a glass display case with vivid and beautiful macarons. You''d think I was looking through a display case at Tiffany's with how wide my eyes were! The first thing that popped into my mind was the pâtisserie in Grenoble, France that I had been to three years ago.

I went to France visit my best friend Coralie who lived and studied in Grenoble. Each morning, the apartment would be empty because she and her roommates had early morning classes. This left me to fend for myself for breakfast. I'd wake up, pull on a pair of jeans, and wrap myself in a coat and scarf. Winter in the Rhône-Alpes is bitterly cold. Then I would briskly walk to the pâtisserie down the street. Then I'd spend about five minutes with my nose pressed up against the display case trying to decide which 2-3 pastries would be my breakfast of the day.

After an exchange of hellos, money, and precious pastries I would walk uphill back home, happily munching on my breakfast. Unashamed of my chocolate mustache, or raspberry jam goatee, as joggers, and early morning commuters greeted me on their way past. By the time I reentered the apartment all that would be left were the pretty wrappers. It was the perfect start to each day!

After that initial wave of nostalgia, my stomach reminded me of the task at hand: eating macarons! Some things never change and I strained to settle on what flavors to try. 17 Berkshire was still hours from closing, but they were sold out on some of the flavors already! I was told that the owner bakes the macarons fresh everyday and some customers arrive as soon as doors open to grab their favorites!

I had settled on pumpkin spice (thanking God they still had some!) pistachio, and espresso. The staff member that I spoke to was so kind as I informed her that this was my first time visiting. She noticed the camera strapped to my body and asked about my photography. She said that lots of people enjoy taking photos in the shop and that I was welcome to. With that information, I couldn't resist "playing with my food" and I had set up a little mini photoshoot in my corner of the shop. When I had had my fun, I dug into my treats, grateful that no-one was within earshot to hear my whimpers of joy as I bit through the soft eggshell cookie to the light flavored cream in the center.

I left that shop that day feeling so warm, and full. I had made a new friend, took some photos, and ate delicious treats. I think I found a new spot here in Memphis, it's starting to grow more and more into my home each day.

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